I signed up to do the
Whole Life Challenge, an online accountability game, again. My crossfit box is encouraging us to do it once again and even gave us an incentive of an extra day a week during the 8 week challenge. I had great
results the first time and looking forward to see myself get stronger and fitter. I don't have any traveling planned this time around like I did the last, so that should help me stay on better track with nutrition.
I tried my best to stick with the nutrition part even after the challenge. The diet follow a paleo-like diet. Over the holidays I gave myself some exceptions, but for the most part I don't eat many starches, grains, or dairy. I have made the occassional exceptions but have maintained. In fact, I have clothes that are loose on me which is great and somewhat frustrating since I bought new clothes not too long ago.
The goals that I set for myself at the end of the challenge:
1. Do 5 unassisted pull ups by June 2013
2. Cook 3 paleo meals a week by the end of December
3. Workout and mobilization for 10 minutes for 6 days a week by end of December
I wasn't really good at tracking my goals. But I think I did pretty decently.
Goal 1: I continue to do crossfit and really see myself getting stronger and better. I can do a few unassisted kipping pull-ups, which is just amazing to me. I get 2-3 in a row and I am working on getting those 5. Actually I am hoping to get to 5 in the next few weeks by my birthday. That would put me ahead of the goal I originally set for June. Even is I don't make it by the end of February, I am still pretty proud that I can do what I can. I never would have thought I could ever do a pull-up unassisted.
Goal 2: I would say that I did this. I do know that when I cook, I cook paying attention to the paleo rules the majority of them time. I allow myself exceptions when we are out and on special occassions. Although I did not track this goal, I do think I did pretty well.
Goal 3: I would say I was pretty close. If not 6 days, I know I got in 5 days a week. I know what is realistic and the whole point was to keep moving. Also I have a renew view of rest days. I am good about moving and getting my workouts and mobilization in, so I am not really worried about this. But it is good to have the goal and keep doing it. With the challenge, I know that I will be more accountable and it will just make me better and fitter and closer to meeting goal 1.
I am excited. My big goal is to feel comfortable in a bikini for the summer. I haven't worn a bikini since I was pregnant, so that is about 4 years now. We have a trip to Hawaii this summer and I would like to get a new bikini for this summer. Let's do this, if I get as good as result as I did last time, I think I will be there. Just need to lose that mama belly.