January 26, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year to all!! It is the Year of the Ox. The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. I think that is very fitting with the current times. Wishing you all the best.

January 24, 2009

Happy Blogiversary to Sher's Corner!!

Wow, it is hard to believe that one year ago I started this blog. I have really enjoyed being a "blogger." I have enjoyed it so much that I began 2 other blogs. My food blog, Rumbly Tumbly Treats, was simply a way for me to organized new (and old) recipes that I have the chance to try and to share my gourmet club fun. My baby blog, Adventures with Baby Bear, is newer and was started for obvious reasons. I wanted a place to talk about this new journey in my life but was not yet ready to share with others, so the baby blog was kept private until Mr. Bear and I were ready to go public. The baby blog will focus on my journey into motherhood and my adventures with Baby Bear.

So my other two blogs have very specific purposes. What is the purpose of Sher's Corner? I began this blog as a thoughtful spot to write about silly stuff and fluff. Issues that I thought were important and things that were just nonsense. It continues to be my thoughtful spot. And as I delve into my new role as mother in about 4-5 months, I realize that this thoughtful spot will become even more important to me. I believe that life is about balance; it is about balanced health and well-being. I continually strive to find balance in my life. I will become a mother but I also continue to be an individual, a wife, an employee, a friend, a daughter, a woman, etc. Although I look forward to my new role as a mother, I realize that with this new role lies a new challenge of finding balance to allow myself to continue to be everything that I am including "mom." So the purpose of this blog remains the same: To be a thoughtful spot. I have enjoyed sharing my silly stuff and fluff over the last year and I look forward to sharing new silly stuff and fluff in the year to come.

January 23, 2009

Hannah you will be missed

Last night, Mr. Bear's step-dad and mom had to put their beloved dog, Hannah, to sleep. She was 14 years old and was really doing very badly. It was a very sad day.

Hannah was a great pup; she was smart and friendly. I'll always remember her great love of beef jerky and her tail that could knock you over. She never barked and always greeted me when ever I came to visit. She was an awesome dog and awesome companion to my in-laws. She was a big part of our family. We all loved her.

I wish that I had a picture to share here so that I could share her sweet eyes.

Hannah will be missed!!!!

January 21, 2009

A Daughter's Approval

Gotta love this moment. It just makes you feel good to have a little girl's approval at such an important event.

Obama's daughters are just so cute.

January 20, 2009

President Obama

I wish our new president all the best. I truly hope that he will bring upon positive change.

I can only imagine that being the president of the United States of America is no easy task, especially with the state of our current economy. I believe that he will bring upon positive change to our nation and will help it rise out of the crisis that we are experiencing. It will not be easy, but I don't think that anyone runs for president thinking that it will be an easy job.

January 19, 2009

All men and women are made equal

Today, we celebrate and remember Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. He led the way to a nonviolent civil rights movement. As a woman of color, I am thankful for the path he laid for me years before I was even conceived. It is because of him, that I am able to do anything that I put my mind to.

What a wonderful time to be celebrating this wonderful man. Tomorrow is the inauguration of our first Black president. An amazing and historic event. We have definitely come a long way. While I do believe that we have come a long way, I also believe that there is still more to be done. It is unfortunate but discrimination still exists. However, knowing that a man like MLK could make a difference I know that there is hope and there will be change to come. Many people are not apt to change, but change is inevitable it is up to people to make sure that the change that comes is a change in the positive direction.

I have experienced challenges and discrimination being an Asian-American woman. I am pretty fortunate that I have had many opportunities. Sometimes it appears that I am oblivious to the discrimination that I face (I have had friends who have been offended by other's actions toward me that have been discriminatory). It is not that I am oblivious; it is that I usually ignore and brush it off to ignorance. That is my way.

January 14, 2009

Resolution Observations: Part II

Today I heard about this:

Well, I am not sure if this is the best way to reward your workout routine and fitness resolutions, it kind of defeats the purpose. On the other hand, this pregnant woman wants some ice cream!!!!

I had wrote last week about resolution observations and the crowds at the gym. Although I was not thrilled with the crowds, I was happy that people were making it a point to be fit and I hoped that people stuck with it. Well, it seems that attendance at the gym has gotten back to normal. The New Year's resolution crowd has already dissipated. That is actually kind of sad.

Is it really possible that people's fitness resolutions only lasted a week? I hope not. I am hoping that due to the economy that people may not be going to the gym but are trying to keep up their fitness resolutions by working out at home or outdoors. The weather in Southern California has been really nice (in the 80's all week), so it is possible people are simply taking advantage of the nice weather we are blessed with in So Cal and keeping up with their fitness resolutions by taking their workouts outdoors. I did so yesterday so I hope others are too. Don't give up on your fitness goals!!

January 11, 2009

A compliment from Mr. Bear

The other morning, Mr. Bear woke up early and was getting ready before me. I was still in bed and just starting to work up. He looked at me with a smile. He said, "you're lucky you look good even when you wake up in the morning."

I think that is one of the nicest things Mr. Bear has ever said to me. It was very sweet and just came out of no where. Just one of the many reasons that I love Mr. Bear.

January 8, 2009

Everyone makes New Year's Resolutions

Resolutions is just a fancy word for goals. I don't have any New Year's resolutions, mainly because I set goals for myself every so often and continue on with the goals that I have made. The beginning of the year is a great time to assess the goals I have made and see where I am at meeting those goals. My goals generally focus on fitness and finances.


Last year, I did very well at meeting the fitness goals I set out. I ran a 5K and a 10K and participated in a relay triathlon. I had set some goals to complete after the triathlon; I wanted to participated in another triathlon in April, the Mud Run in June, and possibly a duathlon. But after discovering that I was pregnant, I had to reassess those goals and made maintaining a fitness level that was healthy for pregnancy my goal. After consulting with my OB/GYN, I have found that I am able to do quite and bit of exercise and after getting the green light to start running again, I am planning on participate in the Race for the Cure 5K in March. I participated last year and ran in memory of my sister-in-law. I have participated in this 5K the last few years and I plan to do so again this year (I just might not be able to run the whole distance, but I am going to give it a shot). After I meet that goal, I will assess my pregnancy and how I am doing and hopefully I will be able to set a new goal.


After reflecting back on my previous finance goals, I don't see any reasons to change anything at this time. I am keeping to my budget and last year I was able to cut in some areas to save more money. I am also continuing to pay down the one credit card I have left. I will continue on my goal to pay down that credit card (I am very close) so that I will be credit card debt free. My goal is to be there by the time Baby Bear is born. I have about 6 months to go and I am on track to meeting my goal. It is not a resolution or a new goal, just simply a continuation of my current goal.

So no real New Year's resolutions for me, just a plan to continue to meet the goals I had set out for myself and have been working on already. Once I meet my current goals, I will reassess and set out some new goals. All in all, I am pretty happy with the path I have been taking and hope that I can continue to forge ahead.

January 7, 2009

Recycle/Donate old greeting cards

Now that the holidays have past, you are probably wondering what to do with all your holiday cards. You could just throw them in the the trash or put them in the recycle bin. But I have a better solution: Donate them.

St. Jude’s Ranch for Children has a Recycled Card Program. The children make new recycled cards by removing the front and attaching a new back made with recycled paper. The new card is a beautiful, “green” card made by the children and volunteers. The benefits are two-fold: customers receive "green" holiday cards for use and the children receive payment for their work and learn the benefits and importance of "going green".

From November 15, 2008 thru February 28, 2009, you can donate your used, all-occasion greeting cards to St Jude's Ranch for Children. Just mail your donation to:

St. Jude's Ranch for Children
Card Recycling Program
100 St. Jude's Street
Boulder City, NV 89005

There is also information on their website about how to purchase the cards that the children make. It is a great way to be green and to help children, a win-win for everyone!!

January 6, 2009

Resolution observations

It is a new year and it is the time when people make resolutions. What I've found is most people make resolutions around the themes of money and finances or health and fitness. It is harder to observe people's resolutions about money and finances. But I go to the gym regularly and every January I always see a surge of people joining the gym and making their first steps toward their health and fitness resolutions. Attendance always seems to taper down by February.

Although I am glad that people are making decision to be more fit and healthy, it is a little annoying to have to wrestle with parking and crowded gyms during the month of January. I haven't changed my workout schedule (even when I found out I was pregnant I still continued to workout on the same schedule, although modified intensity), yet the presence at the gym has changed. Now I have to alter my schedule slightly to get there a little earlier for the classes I take or to get a machine.

I do truly hope that people will make true changes and make health and fitness a priority. If people can keep it up for a month and make it part of their regular schedule it has a good chance of becoming a habit and they will be able to realize the benefits. It is hard at first to get started so good for the newbies at the gym for making an effort. Keep it up!!

It is important to remember that health and fitness is a life long commitment, going to the gym for a week out of the year is not going to cut it. (And you don't need to belong to a gym to exercise.) It is not easy but it is the best thing that you can do for yourself.

Some tips to start a fitness routine:
  • Start of with one, measurable goal. It should be something that you can track and that can be easy to meet. Once you meet that goal, make another goal, and continue to build upon each goal. You will feel more successful if you are able to track your goal and meet them using baby steps. And with baby steps you are more likely to stick with a fitness routine.
  • Start slowly. Gradually challenge and build up your stamina and strength over time. If you've never ran before, don't think you can just start running a marathon right away. You may need to start off by walking 10-15 minutes at first and then increase the time and combine walking and running before you can run the distance.
  • Schedule your workouts. Schedule your time for working out like you would schedule a meeting or appointment. Put it in your calendar and treat it like any other appointment or meeting.
  • Drink plenty of water. Be sure to hydrate yourself.
  • Don't forget to strength train. Many people just do cardio workouts and don't realize how important strength training is to losing weight and being fit. Strength training builds muscle which helps to burn calories. It is a balance of cardio and strength training that will help you to get fit and get to your goals.
Good luck and be well!

January 5, 2009

Gotta love my Mother-in-law!

I was sick last week and she came by and brought me some fresh squeezed orange juice. Not only was it fresh squeezed, but the oranges were picked from her orange orchard. How awesome is that? She is awesome. I am so fortunate to have her in my life!!

Sadly, Mr. Bear was sick the week before and he didn't get that attention from her, it probably helps that I am carrying her grandbaby (and I am limited in the medicated relief that I can take).