Resolutions is just a fancy word for goals. I don't have any New Year's resolutions, mainly because I set goals for myself every so often and continue on with the goals that I have made. The beginning of the year is a great time to assess the goals I have made and see where I am at meeting those goals. My goals generally focus on fitness and finances.
FitnessLast year, I did very well at meeting the fitness goals I set out. I ran a
5K and a
10K and participated in a
relay triathlon. I had set some goals to complete after the triathlon; I wanted to participated in another triathlon in April, the Mud Run in June, and possibly a duathlon. But after discovering that I was pregnant, I had to reassess those goals and made maintaining a fitness level that was healthy for pregnancy my goal. After consulting with my OB/GYN, I have found that I am able to do quite and bit of exercise and after getting the green light to start running again, I am planning on participate in the Race for the Cure 5K in March. I participated last year and
ran in memory of my sister-in-law. I have participated in this 5K the last few years and I plan to do so again this year (I just might not be able to run the whole distance, but I am going to give it a shot). After I meet that goal, I will assess my pregnancy and how I am doing and hopefully I will be able to set a new goal.
FinancesAfter reflecting back on my previous finance goals, I don't see any reasons to change anything at this time. I am keeping to my budget and last year I was able to cut in some areas to save more money. I am also continuing to pay down the one credit card I have left. I will continue on my goal to pay down that credit card (I am very close) so that I will be credit card debt free. My goal is to be there by the time Baby Bear is born. I have about 6 months to go and I am on track to meeting my goal. It is not a resolution or a new goal, just simply a continuation of my current goal.
So no real New Year's resolutions for me, just a plan to continue to meet the goals I had set out for myself and have been working on already. Once I meet my current goals, I will reassess and set out some new goals. All in all, I am pretty happy with the path I have been taking and hope that I can continue to forge ahead.